We're sure we aren't the only ones currently trawling through Netflix and Amazon Prime looking for the next series to binge watch, and asking countless friends and family for their latest recommendations. Finding a good series to get stuck into can be a real mission, so we've rounded up the Eyekoteam along with their must-watch list to save you the trouble.
Team Eyeko, what's on your must watch list?
Ellie - Supply Planner

The Bold Type on Amazon Prime, it's a proper female empowerment series!
Ellie's fave Eyeko product:
Charlotte - PR Manager

The Trials of Aaron Fernandez on Netflix
Charlotte's fave Eyeko Product:
Phoebe - Affiliate Manager

How to get Away With Murder on Netflix! It’s soooo good and also there are 5 seasons so enough to keep you occupied for a few weeks in lockdown!
Phoebe's fave Eyeko product:
Laura - Senior Ecommerce Exec

Sex and the City
Laura's fave Eyeko product:
Anaiz - Social & Content Manager

Tiger King (of course!), The Stranger & It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Anaiz's fave Eyeko Product:
Sally - Assistant Brand Manager

On Netflix, I'm rewatching The Sinner, I've almost finished Sherlock and I'm desperate to get stuck into Freud too!
Sally's fave Eyeko product:
Lucy - Brand Manager

I'm old school and rewatching the classics - Gavin & Stacey and One Tree Hill!
Lucy's fave Eyeko product:
Jotty - Ecommerce Exec

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