How would you describe your signature make-up style and how do Eyeko and the products reflect that?I'm definitely highly influenced by sixties make-up. When I look at those images, I just think that they are the most flattering combination of things for a woman. All of the women look so beautiful and there must definitely be something in that eye shape.
Eyeko are the experts of eye make-up and sensed that I would gravitate towards their sort of brand. I was using one of their eyeliners at the time and it was being used on me at shoots too. I'm always looking for the perfect eyeliner because I used to use the pot with the brush, but because I travel so much it's inconvenient for me to take that with me (most of my handbags are now lined with black smudges!). I had breakfast with Max (Leykind, co-owner of Eyeko) and he said, 'You can do whatever you want! Won't that be fun?' and I was like, 'Yeah! Of course!' Working with Eyeko is similar to if I was Tom Hanks in Big.
Which products would you recommend for removing your eye make-up?Sisley do a lovely foaming cleansing gel that turns into a mousse when you put it on and I also use a Shu Uemura oil. What I most frequently use though is Dove soap!
Where did the idea for doing the poster and the kit come from?I came up with idea of doing the tube and having the poster because when I was younger I always used to enjoy gimmicks like that and I loved having posters on my wall. At home I'd put up pictures of women that inspired me and have a mood board. I wanted to create something that people could hang up somewhere in their office, on their fridge or anywhere like that and then the tube, the products and the tissue paper all followed from that. I'm very very happy with it.
Who's on your mood board?Debbie Harry, Iggy Pop, Keith Richards, Metallica, Matt Hitt and my friends.
What future collections do you have in the pipeline with Eyeko?We're already talking about the next thing that we're going to work on. With this particular collection, it was about me cherry-picking my favourite products from the existing make-up range and then re-launching that and thinking of a way to make it my own, whereas moving forward I'll have more of an input in product development. A range of shadow pens is a possibility.
Interview by Ayesha Muttucumaru from Get The Gloss

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