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Emerald Street: A Different Kind of Tailoring

Writer and expert7 years ago
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Eyeko Bespoke Emerald Street customer beauty feature

The Emerald Street team ask is bespoke beauty worth the higher price tag as they go in search of the brands doing it best? And after trialling our online Bespoke Mascara service they fell in love with their custom beauty...

"When we heard that Eyeko was doing customisable mascara we whisked ourselves online to get involved. Eyeko wanted to know three things: what our lashes look like, what we want them to look like and what our perfect mascara wand looks like (curvy, straight, chunky etc). The visual questionnaire took less than two minutes to fill out and before we knew it our order was on its way. As for our lashes? They're plumper and curlier than they've been in yonks."

Read the full article here

Writer and expert
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