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Sali Hughes Loves Rock Out and Lash Out Mascara

Writer and expert10 years ago
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"Excellent new tubing mascara alert. Regular readers will know I cannot live without my tubes. Most normal mascaras smudge like crazy on my under eyes (with some notable exceptions, like Armani's Eyes To Kill), so I either just wear a polymer tubing mascara like Estee Lauder Double Wear or Clinique Lash Power, or for a more dramatic look, give a regular mascara a topcoat of tubes to lock it down (Estee's Little Black Primer is good for this). As much as I'm always on the look out for new tubing mascaras, when this arrived, I confess I rolled my eyes. It's called "Rock Out and Lash Out" and has what the brand calls "a guitar shaped brush". Yawn. It felt like one of those pointless gimmicks that started with a name and marketing idea then worked backwards. But never one to let my cynicism get in the way of a new beauty find, I popped it on and found there was a method in Eyeko's madness.

The flexible brush gives great wiggle for separation and allows you to get deep into the root-line. The little bobbly brush end is then great for stroking upwards at the outer corners of the lashes, to kick them up a little (my eyes slant downwards a tad, and my lashes are woefully straight, so I've often done this with a stiff little makeup brush). As is essential in any tubing mascara, this doesn't shift at all until you're ready. And when you are, it comes off really easily with a splash of hot water and some near-effortless gentle pinching between thumb and finger (I know some readers have struggled to remove other brands of tube, but this is a cinch, I promise). The colour is proper, dark, sooty black, as it should be. There's zero flake and two weeks in, the product shows no signs of clogging or drying out. I'm a big fan. Give it headline billing at Knebworth."

Read the article here.

Writer and expert
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